50 research outputs found

    Semantical Correctness of Simulation-to-Animation Model and Rule Transformation

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    In the framework of graph transformation, simulation rules are well-known to define the operational behavior of visual models. Moreover, it has been shown already how to construct animation rules in a domain specific layout from simulation rules. An important requirement of this construction is the semantical correctness which has not yet been considered. In this paper we give a precise definition for simulation-to-animation (S2A) model and rule transformations. Our main results show under which conditions semantical correctness can be obtained. The results are applied to analyze the S2A transformation of a Radio Clock model. Keywords: graph transformation, model and rule transformation, semantical correctness, simulation, animatio

    Refactoring of Model Transformations

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    Model-to-model transformations between visual languages are often defined by typed, attributed graph transformation systems. Here, the source and target languages of the model transformation are given by type graphs (or meta models), and the relation between source and target model elements is captured by graph transformation rules. On the other hand, refactoring is a technique to improve the structure of a model in order to make it easier to comprehend, more maintainable and amenable to change. Refactoring can be defined by graph transformation rules, too. In the context of model transformation, problems arise when models of the source language of a model transformation become subject to refactoring. It may well be the case that after the refactoring, the model transformation rules are no longer applicable because the refactoring induced structural changes in the models. In this paper, we consider a graph-transformation-based evolution of model transformations which adapts the model transformation rules to the refactored models. In the main result, we show that under suitable assumptions, the evolution leads to an adapted model transformation which is compatible with refactoring of the source and target models. In a small case study, we apply our techniques to a well-known model transformation from statecharts to Petri nets

    Evolution of Model Transformations by Model Refactoring: Long Version

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    Model-to-model transformations between visual languages are often defined by typed, attributed graph transformation systems. Here, the source and target languages of the model transformation are given by type graphs (or meta models), and the relation between source and target model elements is captured by graph transformation rules. On the other hand, refactoring is a technique to improve the structure of a model in order to make it easier to comprehend, more maintainable and amenable to change. Refactoring can be defined by graph transformation rules, too. In the context of model transformation, problems arise when models of the source language of a model transformation become subject to refactoring. It may well be the case that after the refactoring, the model transformation rules are no longer applicable because the refactoring induced structural changes in the models. In this paper, we consider a graph-transformation-based evolution of model transformations which adapts the model transformation rules to the refactored models. In the main result, we show that under suitable assumptions, the evolution leads to an adapted model transformation which is compatible with refactoring of the source and target models. In a small case study, we apply our techniques to a well-known model transformation from statecharts to Petri nets

    Graph Modelling and Transformation: Theory meets Practice

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    In this paper, we focus on the role of graphs and graph transformation for four practical application areas from software system development. We present the typical problems in these areas and investigate how the respective systems are modelled by graphs and graph transformation. In particular, we are interested in the usefulness of theoretical graph transformation results and graph transformation tools in order to solve these problems. Finally, we characterize concepts and tool features which are still missing in practice to solve the presented and related problems even better. Keywords: graph modelling, graph transformation, graph transformation tool

    Generalized Typed Attributed Graph Transformation Systems based on Morphisms Changing Type Graphs and Data Signature

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    Our aim is to extend the framework of typed attributed graphs in [1] to generalized typed attributed graphs. They are based on generalized attributed graph morphisms, short GAG-morphisms, which allow to change the type graph, data signature, and domain. This allows to formulate type hierarchies and views of visual languages defined by GAG-morphisms between type graphs, short GATG-morphisms. In order to study interaction and integration of views, restriction of views along type hierarchies, restriction and integration of consistent view models and reflection of behaviour between different typed attributed graph transformation systems we present suitable conditions for the construction of pushouts and pullbacks, and special van Kampen properties in the category GAGraphs of generalized attributed graphs. Moreover, we show that (GAGraphs,M) and (GAGraphsATG,M) are adhesive HLR categories for the class M of injective, persistent, and signature preserving morphisms

    Parallel Graph Transformation for Model Simulation applied to Timed Transition Petri Nets

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    Proceedings of the Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modelling Techniques (GT-VMT 2004)This work discusses the use of parallel graph transformation systems for (multi-formalism) modeling and simulation and their implementation in the meta-modeling tool AToM3. As an example, a simulator for Timed Transition Petri Nets (TTPN) is modeled using parallel graph transformation.This work has been partially sponsored by the SEGRAVIS network and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (TIC2002-01948)

    Termination Criteria for Model Transformation

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    Nowadays the usage of model transformations in software engineering has become widespread. Considering current trends in software development such as model driven development (MDD), there is an emerging need to develop model manipulations such as model evolution and optimisation, semantics definition, etc. If a model transformation is described in a precise way, it can be analysed lateron. Models, especially visual models, can be described best by graphs, due to their multi-dimensional extension. Graphs can be manipulated by graph transformation in a rule-based manner. Thus, we specify model transformation by graph transformation. This approach offers visual and formal techniques in such a way that model transformations can be subjects to analysis. Various results on graph transformation can be used to prove important properties of model transformations such as its functional behaviour, a basic property for computations. Moreover, certain kinds of syntactical and semantical consistency properties can be shown on this formal basis

    Satisfaction, Restriction and Amalgamation of Constraints in the Framework of M-Adhesive Categories

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    Application conditions for rules and constraints for graphs are well-known in the theory of graph transformation and have been extended already to M-adhesive transformation systems. According to the literature we distinguish between two kinds of satisfaction for constraints, called general and initial satisfaction of constraints, where initial satisfaction is defined for constraints over an initial object of the base category. Unfortunately, the standard definition of general satisfaction is not compatible with negation in contrast to initial satisfaction. Based on the well-known restriction of objects along type morphisms, we study in this paper restriction and amalgamation of application conditions and constraints together with their solutions. In our main result, we show compatibility of initial satisfaction for positive constraints with restriction and amalgamation, while general satisfaction fails in general. Our main result is based on the compatibility of composition via pushouts with restriction, which is ensured by the horizontal van Kampen property in addition to the vertical one that is generally satisfied in M-adhesive categories.Comment: In Proceedings ACCAT 2012, arXiv:1208.430

    Finitary M-adhesive categories

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Finitary M-adhesive categories are M-adhesive categories with finite objects only, where M-adhesive categories are a slight generalisation of weak adhesive high-level replacement (HLR) categories. We say an object is finite if it has a finite number of M-subobjects. In this paper, we show that in finitary M-adhesive categories we not only have all the well-known HLR properties of weak adhesive HLR categories, which are already valid for M-adhesive categories, but also all the additional HLR requirements needed to prove classical results including the Local Church-Rosser, Parallelism, Concurrency, Embedding, Extension and Local Confluence Theorems, where the last of these is based on critical pairs. More precisely, we are able to show that finitary M-adhesive categories have a unique ε'-M factorisation and initial pushouts, and the existence of an M-initial object implies we also have finite coproducts and a unique ε' -M pair factorisation. Moreover, we can show that the finitary restriction of each M-adhesive category is a finitary M-adhesive category, and finitarity is preserved under functor and comma category constructions based on M-adhesive categories. This means that all the classical results are also valid for corresponding finitary M-adhesive transformation systems including several kinds of finitary graph and Petri net transformation systems. Finally, we discuss how some of the results can be extended to non-M-adhesive categories